Prof. Malena Espanol is hosting this event. The zoom link and password are below.
Zoom link:
Password: ipi
Video 1 (by Lance Ward): Introduction to the TI 83/84 graphing calculator
Video 2 (by Lance Ward): Graphing Functions on a TI 83/84 calculator
WeBWorK is an open-source online homework system for math and science courses. WeBWorK is supported by the MAA and the NSF and comes with a National Problem Library (NPL) of over 20,000 homework problems. Problems in the NPL target most lower division undergraduate math courses and some advanced courses. Supported courses include college algebra, discrete mathematics, probability and statistics, single and multivariable calculus, differential equations, linear algebra and complex analysis.
Faculty and Staff Awards
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SHARON CROOKOnce your video is recorded, Upload it to your ASU Google drive. To upload:Follow these screenshots. Go to myASU and click on Google Drive Once your video is recorded, Upload it to your ASU Google drive. To upload:Follow these screenshots. DO YOU NEED...?
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