Topological Full Groups by Example


Are there infinite, finitely generated simple groups? This seemingly innocuous question troubled some of history's best group theorists for more than 50 years. In this talk, I will explain how ample groupoids (or, through Renault duality, certain Cartan pairs) provide a unifying framework to generate and study interesting examples of these groups. This framework is called "topological full groups" and was pioneered by Hiroki Matui in the late 00's. It allowed us to answer fundamental questions like "Are there amenable, infinite, finitely generated simple groups?". I will then give some concrete examples of these "topological full groups" which I found interesting to study. These examples come from concrete C*-algebras and groupoids that I hope might be familiar to some of the audience. I will assume little prior group theory knowledge. This talk is based on some research from my thesis, and some research that I did with Eusebio Gardella.


ASUERAU C*-Seminar
September 7, 2023

Virtual via Zoom
3:00 - 4:00pm MST/AZ

The seminar is organized jointly with Mitch Hamidi and Lara Ismert at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, AZ.

(Please email the organizers Steve Kaliszewski and Jack Spielberg to be put on the email list if you would like to receive the link to the zoom seminar.)


Owen Tanner
University of Glasgow

WXLR A546 and virtual via Zoom